OOC Discussion

And I am back! Was my last “move” clear? It seemed sufficient enough to get me in trouble, which is all you can ask for as a murder hobo.

Trouble? Oh, I thought it was supposed to get you dead...oops.

So, what's the course of action?

I've also sent everyone a PM about trying to get a little faster posting happening. Of course, I probably need to send it to myself, too...


Pretty sure we're storming the castle carpenter's shop.

Yup. Assuming people follow, Kerrick will lead everyone to go engage in potential murder and revolt against the lawful authority of this town.

It’s a good thing I’m an ACKS paladin and not a D&D paladin!

[quote="Aryxymaraki"] Yup. Assuming people follow, Kerrick will lead everyone to go engage in potential murder and revolt against the lawful authority of this town. [/quote]

On a horse?

I’ll ride, but at a walking pace, instead of charging on ahead alone.

(If I left the horse behind, I’d have to leave the flag behind, and that would simply be uncivilized.)

So it seems the party is reunited. The guards are no longer in front of the workshop, and there doesn't seem to be anyone else around in the street.

Strategy question for the group:  I'm increasingly unsure what we get out of going back to the inn.  If we've already been made and are being watched, I suspect we either get ambushed moving there or ambushed once we're there.  At the very least we lose time before we open our Christmas presents and try to figure out our next positive step.

The carpenter's shop has the very obvious drawback of being our known location, but on the other hand it's reasonably defensible - room to ride a horse into, and a top story with shuttered windows to shoot out of.  Even an exit over the palisade if necessary.

My suggestion is to move inside here, shut the doors, open packages, and hear from Gwydion.  It's got that big obvious drawback re location and there's a real chance it turns into combat anyway, so I'm not planting my flag on it and I definitely don't want to spend a turn debating it in the street in character.  So if even one person says "onward to the inn!" Hengist will follow, but that's my thought.

I can get behind that.

We're already marked; staying here theoretically at least keeps the nice lady at the inn out of it, if she's not the ringleader, of course.

Great points. I think the company needs to investigate whatever is happening with Lord Mallory, so passing information at Ned’s probably makes that happen faster.

god idea Dave

Alright, is the party following Masov's suggestion? That would appear to put Kaul, Gwydion, and Masov inside, with Hengist, Kerrick, Dagmar, Aria, Miska, and Andrew outside (you tell me where), and Kaul's mastiff, Cynis, guarding the doorway...

I'd like to get everyone inside if we are indeed taking the time to go through stuff, unless there something I'm missing.

My suspicion is that while the square footage of the ground floor might be enough for everyone, it’s full of junk.

Assuming this is true, Kerrick is perfectly willing to hang out outside the door on watch/guard.

in case we stay i will go to one of the second floor´s window with my bow.

I really hope someone's opening that leafy box because that was part of my master plan for staying put.

I hoped the same, but that seems thief work. If the thief is not biting… Also, Gwydion found some silver. Now doesn’t seem the time to bring it up, but remind me later, and he will share it with the party.

SooOOOooo... there've been suggestions of going back to where the Baron's elven associates were staying, Kaul attempting to open the box, heading to the Temple of Solis, staying put... which is it? Or something else?

Also, I haven't heard from Miska, Andrew, or Aria (it's possible Alex is a little tied up with L&E). They're standing around doing nothing at the moment.

Gwydion is by nature a thinker rather than a fighter largely due to the lack of an I-win spell. He'd prefer to collect more information. If no one else is persuaded, he'll happily follow.