OOC Discussion

AFAIK I'm carrying whatever's on my sheet.

From my experience with spell checker before I got it trained, I'm going to assume Gwydion's statement here starts with "Hengist,...".  "Hanging,..." can also be parsed, but it affects which end of the elf to tie the rope to for haulage, and I fear Hengist has already begun to acquire a certain reputation despite my best efforts towards peace and reason.

Good catch, though the implications were wonderful.

Sorry, I'm sure Kaul was looking for a bit more information on the box. I'll post a bit more about what he can tell by looking at it in the IC thread.

What is everyone else doing while this happens?

Hey, I would've posted here sooner, but I was busy watching one of my adventuring companions over in Drpete's Dwimmermount game on Unseen Servant HAVE HER LIVING HEART CHEWED OUT! DAAAAAMN YOU, MACRIIIIS!

...oh, yeah...you KNOW what I'm talking about, Alex...

Sorry for the erratic posting. I'm working a ton of hours involving international travel at the moment.

Does anyone know offhand of a place you can upload an image to and allow multiple people to draw on it? I feel kinda lost on the map; and have a need to start marking buildings, but I'd like to make it a social sort of thing.

I almost proposed that we rest, but I then decided to let my 8 WIS shape my response!


I think resting before the temple is a good idea. We do have that healing potion if we'd rather not, however.

That being said, we should pick where we go to rest pretty carefully. 

The temple is to the south, that's where the toothy maw is drawn on the map, so. I expect for completions' sake we'd have to go door to door in town later, depending.

Given the elves were nocturnal (yes?) I'd really be curious to see what happens in this cottage tonight...


You could probably do something in dropbox, with the new office integration they've been working in.

I can host it in my space if you want, and share the folder with others so we can mark it up.

So I don’t think I’ve been missing much, but I’m in the process of getting a new job and the amount of random crap you need to do is astounding. It should be settling down soon, but yeah. Point is I’m still here.

Have we lost Bobloblah?

Don't know.  He's mentioned work already.  We know where Bobloblah lives blogs, so barring major real world problems I assume we'll get him back.  

I thought we had a direction, but I realize it took a little bit.  As I understand it, we're getting out of town to rest at least, and running is also on the table.  Oh, and inadvertently a survivor to take care of.

I'm guilty of lurking waiting for action, but maybe we should have kept OOC more active and firmed up our plans to be ready.  Otherwise we may be another week of IC firming up the vote.  In that spirit:  I see Lamech and Lucas for skipping town and Hardrada, Koewn and myself for getting our asses kicked underneath the temple.  Correct?  Anyone else?

Thoughts on the elf?  If we're really going to take care of him rather than letting Hengist "take care of him" there's apparently a healing potion kicking around.  If we want to burn it on that rather than save it.

I think Gwyddion is cool with whatever so long as we don’t leave Orleans entirely.

Kerrick is also in favor of dying horribly under the temple.

Also, if we want to burn resources saving the elf, I still have lay on hands.

I think a quick rest is in order, and keeping the elf alive is probably best done using the renewable resource of lay on hands, rather than a potion.


Finish searching the cottage then, and then let’s withdraw outside the village for a day to rest.

ok, lay handos on elf, go outside the town, rest, go under the temple. you have my vote.


Have we lost Bobloblah?


​Yeah, now I'm getting pessimistic.