Managing multiple endeavours

This may be answered in the upcoming Axioms, but I'm curious as to how to handle PCs who want to tackle multiple endeavours (by this I mean multiple "jobs" that award XP).  I'm going on the assumption that any endeavour has a minimum amount of time you've got to spend managing it: overseeing your criminal guild, running your domain, tending to your flock of worshippers, etc.  I've got a player who is in the process of establishing his own criminal guild at the same time he's extablishing a domain.  How does he juggle the time commitments from these two tasks?


Refreshing the Patreon page waiting for the next Axioms that will answer this question in detail is a minor ongoing activity.

All of this will be explained ind etail in this month's Patreon release!


Refreshing the Patreon page waiting for the next Axioms that will answer this question in detail is a minor ongoing activity.


but is it strenuous or unstrenuos?