Minimum time spent managing stuff

I'm curious as to the minimum time a PC is required to spend managing a task in order to reap the rewards (i.e. XP) from a specific task.  For instance, p. 129 encourages rulers who adventure at least once per month.  Is there a minimum amount of time they must spend overseeing their domains?  Likewise, how about a priest establishing a church.  The rules on p. 124 go into the means of attracting congregants, but doesn't explain how much time the adventurer must spend.  My gut feeling is as follows:

*Unless otherwise stated, a PC must spend a minimum of one week per month running their association.  When they are not physically present they need to appoint someone to oversee the position in their place, preferably a henchman. 

*If the PC spends more than two weeks away their appointed overseer gains 1/2 of whatever XP would normally be gained and the PC gets the other half.

*The adventurers must spend one full month out of every six administering their realm/church/guild/whatever.  This is in addition to the minimum of one week per month.


Next month's AXIOMS is actually chock-full of this sort of information. It's called CAMPAIGN PLAY and it has rules for everything like this - how much time do you need to manage your realm, actually do a hijink, etc. 

So hang on for like 9 days and you'll have the Dwarf Fortress level of detail you never knew you wanted. :D

Alex please no

I've been holding off on the Patreon for so long and now it's textbook buying season and you go and invoke Dwarf Fortress?


Alex please no

I've been holding off on the Patreon for so long and now it's textbook buying season and you go and invoke Dwarf Fortress?


I have terrible news, Susan.  I was privvy to an early draft and it is everything you could possibly want.  I suggest selling plasma.

So be it. My blood for the autarchs